lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Daniel Aponte Garcia-200913673-level 6 Essay

Transport Evolution

Transport has evolved through history, as it is indispensable for humanity because is the way they use to move from one place to another, but the truth is that it not only transport people, it also can transport things. And as it is so important for everyone technology has dedicated a lot to its evolution.  

In the past the use of transport was extremely slow and difficult. Before people find that they can use some ways of transport, they used to travel mainly on foot, and things they use to carry on them. But when they discovered how to use some of the resources, the first way of transport has appeared, using animals, like horses. People become used to this innovative way of transport, because it has made work easier. So it was kept as the main way of transport until the nineteenth century that it has evolved and appeared the railway.  

However, we are still using some of the first ways of transport, specially in the countryside, but not as frequently as they used to do in the past. But in cities specially in the most developed ones as capitals, because technology, now a days we can choose from different ways. That’s why we can say that truly, the industrial revolution has completely changed transport systems. Now what people is constructing are different ways to facilitate transport traffic, because cars have appeared so the railways weren’t enough.

Although in the nineteenth century trains had been operated on the railways slowly in comparison with high-speed trains and magnetic trains that we use tnow a days, when cars emerged it have change the way people see the ways of transport because it was easier, comfortable, etc.

The first step was steam-powered vehicles, until it appear cars we know now a days wich were first known in Europe when the firs internal combustion engine was developed, but it wasn’t easy. Now we use cars with different kinds of fuels such as petrol, gas, etc. and as fuels are getting over people is using solar energy. Also the material that were use to build cars have changed and know are lighter so cars are easier to build, and have more luxury things as radios, more easy control systems, security systems have appeared, different colors, types and really comfort sits. That’s why prices can change depending on what people want or the economic status that they have. But if we compare now a days ways of transport are more accequible to everyone, because economic status were more notated in the past as the economic status were more differenced by people.

We could still talking about transport evolution, but what is certain is that from the primitive stone wheel, man has thrived in the way they move from one site to another, but the truth is that it wouldn’t stop until technology stops, and we will be able to see the cars of the future that we imagine and we are dreaming today.