jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

The role of woman have changed

María José Rojas Herrera 

Through history  the role of woman has changed, before they Could not do a lot of things, for example decide the man to get marry. Nowadays they have important roles in the societies, they have evolved as people, in adition today women are respected by others, also they are leaders, successful employees and good mother. woman will always be the best mother. In this text will be known among  between woman role before and now.
Always in the past women were in their house, they had to do all in their homes, like cleaning, do the dishes and Cook. On the other hand they Could not go to school and university, becouse their Only responsibility was care their home, some time women were treated as some things, people did not respect their feelings and likes. More over wifes had to do whatever their husband wants. In adition Before  they Could not vote, the right to vote was for men Only. Now women are more independent, they decide what to do, many women go to the school and they become good professionals and many women are successful in their Jobs, becouse they are intelligent, organizad and productive, more over there are some women that have suceded in politics. In some countries of the World the women have been president.
But there are things that women have never stop doing , they follow being good mathers, today many woman continue caring for their children. Although now they  work and study, also care their home, in the past as nowadays women are a element very important in the family nuclear, becouse they are lovely, reasonable and sencible, more over there are things that Only women can do, as have children, they take them nine months in their womb. On the other hand is sad that some women follow being hookers. Some women pass through hard moments on their life that make these women choose the easy way, like prostituon.
In conclusión there are more differences than similarities between the role of woman before and nowadays Now they can stady and work, also have more righ and they had success as profesionel. On the other hand they continue being responsable in their home and with their children.    

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